
We are delighted to announce that we are now the proud tennants of an allotment at Eden.

If you want to visit, it is Allotment B36. Enter field B by the Central Car Park Entrance, turn Left and go to the bottom of the field. We are the last allotment on your right. There is not much to see at the moment, just some steel markers with blue rope round them. It has been arranged to have it rotavated for us but the grass needs to be strimmed off first. We have the use of two petrol strimmers but need some people to use them and others to help tidy up.

Meeting with Carrick Rangers FC

Left to right: Peter Clarke (CR Director) Fred Berry (Chairman) Davy Hiltditch (CR Secretary)

Our committee met with Carrick Rangers FC to agree the basis of our relationship with them. The meeting was productive and both sides were happy with the arangements discussed. A document will be prepared and signed by both parties. Due to previous commitments this may take up to ten days. Upon completion of this task we will be given access to the facilities.

The work of making necessary changes to the facility will begin as soon as we have the keys. We have been promised some paint and plan to keep other expenditure as low as possible.

Irish Men’s Shed Association

Fred and James had a very profitable visit to the Irish Men’s Shed Association office in Ballymun, Dublin. Our application to be included in the association will be put before their board on Friday 3 February. We have been assured that since we have our governance, bank account and insurance in place, it will just be a formality. The fact that we have already had a visit from Geraldine Nelson, Support Representative, is also in our favour.

We were provided with some materials for Carrickfergus Men’s Shed, the IMSA Handbook and some sound advice.